QuickASCII is a console-based movie player and picture viewer powered by Quicktime.

@@ Examples Page @@

Here are some examples of various forms of output from QuickASCII, courtesy of Snapz pro and standard output redirection.

###### Stills

> Windowgrab of a terminal running (88k, GIF)

> Text of the above pic. May not look right in your browser, if it collapses spacing. (160x48, TXT)

> ANSI color-enabled grab. (GIF)

> Original frame from which all of the above were taken. (JPEG)

###### Movies

> Full conversion of that oh-so-popular commercial (No sound, 8.4 MB, MOV)

> Text output of the same movie. Unzip and play using the cat command. If your terminal is slow enough, you should be able to simulate the proper framerate. (199k, GZIP)

> Original Ad from which all of the above samples were taken.

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